Coached Back To Wellness: Herb

Meet Herb, who arrived at Transitions Healthcare Autumn Grove in February 2024, following the amputation of his right great toe. Upon admission, Herb faced significant challenges, both physically and medically. He was non-weight bearing on his right lower extremity and required two-person assistance for even basic transfers, like moving from his bed. Complicating his recovery was a new need for supplemental oxygen and a weight of over 300 pounds. Initially, Herb required extensive to dependent care for all aspects of his activities of daily living.
However, with the collaboration of his surgeon and the dedicated efforts of our physical and occupational therapy teams, Herb made remarkable progress. Over the course of his stay, he transitioned from needing extensive assistance to achieving independent transfers with a walker, ambulating 100 feet with supervision, and even climbing four stairs with minimal support. Herb also regained his ability to perform daily care tasks with minimal assistance and was able to wean off oxygen completely.
A home evaluation was conducted to ensure Herb could return home safely with the assistance of his brother. In March 2024, Herb not only returned home, but also resumed attending local basketball and baseball games—a passion of his as a former coach. Herb’s dedication and the support he received at Transitions Healthcare Autumn Grove enabled him to reclaim his independence and enjoy his love for local sports once again.