COVID-19 Update January 11
1/11/2021 – COVID Update – We continue to provide COVID tests twice weekly. Testing from 1/7 returned with four positive staff members and no positive residents. We are working this week to continue to resolve cases and returning residents to their previous areas. We continue to have therapy screen residents to see if they can benefit from therapy services to regain any physical function that they may have lost while sick. Window visits remain on hold at this time and we are only doing virtual visits and phone calls until the outbreak is under control. We need to have 0 positive cases for 14 days to begin a reopening plan as well as Adams County Positivity Rate needs to come down. This week was the first week that we have had a decrease in this rate in awhile and I am hopeful that we will continue to see this downward trend. Please look for vaccination information in the mail. It is really important that we receive consent forms back by the due date of 2/1. I can’t stress the importance of us vaccinating as many staff and residents who are able to receive the vaccine. If you have any questions, please call 717-334-6249 and ask for Patty Weaver, Infection Preventionist or Vickie Kilmer Nursing Home Administrator.