COVID-19 Update November 14
11/14/2021 COVID UPDATE – Since last update there have been two new positive COVID Cases – 1 resident and 1 staff member. Testing of staff and residents will continue until the facility is clear for 14 days.
A few key points regarding visitation is as follows.
- Visitation is not recommended at this time due to the current outbreak, however at this time there are no longer restrictions on visitation per CMS and Department of Health. Visitors who choose to visit regardless of current outbreak status need to know that they are placing themselves at higher risk of contracting COVID.
- Visitors should adhere to the core principles of infection prevention including wearing a well-fitted mask or other appropriate personal protective equipment, physical distancing, and hand washing.
- County transmission rate is currently high, all residents and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, should wear face coverings or masks and physically distance, at all times.
- At this time this does not count for Adams County, but when the county transmission rate falls to moderate to low, if the resident and all their visitor(s) are fully vaccinated and the resident is not moderately or severely immunocompromised, they may choose not to wear face coverings or masks and to have physical contact. Unvaccinated residents may also choose to have physical touch based on their preferences and needs. In these situations, unvaccinated residents and their visitors are advised of the higher risk of contracting COVID.
- Visitors should wear face coverings or masks when around other residents or healthcare personnel, regardless of vaccination status.
- While visiting in a semi-private room, the privacy curtain should be pulled in order to create a protective barrier.
- Outings are permitted, residents and any individual accompanying the resident should follow all recommended infection prevention practices including wearing a face covering or mask, physical distancing, and hand hygiene and to encourage those around them to do the same.
- We will need to continue to screen all visitors as they enter the facility. Please be patient when entering the facility and wait to be screened with each visit.
- Visitors who have a positive viral test for COVID-19, symptoms of COVID-19, or currently meet the criteria for quarantine, should not enter the facility.
- CMS states that visitors who are unable to adhere to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention should not be permitted to visit or should be asked to leave. By following a person-centered approach and adhering to these core principles, visitation can occur safely based on this guidance.
- Although there is no limit on the number of visitors that a resident can have at one time, visits should be conducted in a manner that adheres to the core principles of COVID-19 infection prevention and does not increase risk to other residents. Semi-private rooms should be limited to no more than 2 visitors at a time due to the inability to provide adequate space for physical distancing. In situations where more than 2 visitors are present, visiting should take place in another location within the facility.
- Visitors should go directly to the resident’s room or designated visitation area.
- Front doors will be unlocked for visitation 8AM-8PM. The doorbell should be utilized during times that the doors are locked.